Thursday, January 13, 2022

Blog Post 1; Are You Informed? My Top 5 News Sources

  Are You Informed? My Top 5 News Sources

    When it comes to news, I am usually pretty picky about where I get my information from. I typically aim for more journalistic style sources, as it is what I enjoy reading most and I think it's one of the most unbiased forms of news since journalists have to uphold their code of ethics in anything they write. Nevertheless, here is a rundown of the top 5 news sources I use to get my information. I hope you enjoy it! 

1: The New York Times

    My top news source would be The New York Times. I access their news in a few different ways. The first is through Instagram where I can quickly scroll through content and see the headlines of their stories. Secondly, I have The New York Times app downloaded on my phone which is super convenient. Through the app, I can select which topics I want to receive notifications for and that is really helpful. I also use Google or any other accessible search engine to find a specific article or story I want. Finally, I subscribe to their Morning Briefing email, which is my personal favorite because it gives a quick rundown of everything going on and also includes fun and positive information towards the end. I find that that is a great way to finish up the email. I really like The New York Times because I feel that a great portion of their writing is unbiased. I also like the convenience and accessibility as well as the wide range of topics they cover. Besides keeping up with political and world news, I enjoy the cooking and books of the week segments as well. 

If you are interested;

Here is the link to their website

Here is the link to their app!

Here is the link to their Morning Briefing Subscription

2: The Washington Post

    My second preferred news choice would be The Washington Post. I enjoy reading The Washington Post because it gives me a second journalistic source to read the news from. Similar to The New York Times, I receive their news through Instagram and through Apple News. I also like reading The Washington Post because of the graphs and charts they provide on complex topics. Those really help me understand the subject deeper and help to visualize what is going on. (This was especially helpful during COVID.) In addition, I like the wide range and equal coverage of all different topics. This helps me personally to disengage from the news that may be frustrating or concerning. 

If you are interested;

Here is the link to their website

3: NBC - Snapchat Stories

    One of the most convenient ways I am getting my news lately is through NBC News Stay Tuned. This form of news is through Snapchat and it provides a 2-5 minute rundown of all of the important events going on today. I really enjoy this source as the convenience and effectiveness of it are really great throughout the hustle and bustle of a busy college lifestyle. This source is also great because it is catered directly through social media and gives the audience a chance to interact directly with them through that platform. I also enjoy this source because of how short most episodes are. This is not only good for getting information out fast but also cutting out almost all opinions and biases within the story. 

If you are interested;

Here is the link to the NBC website

Here is the link to subscribe on Snapchat!

4: Pointe Magazine

    On the other hand, when I want to read the news for fun or for my own enjoyment, I go to Pointe Magazine. As a dancer, this is probably one of my favorite sources to get the news on what is happening inside of the dance world. I subscribe to Pointe Magazine through email, so it's fairly easy to stay up to date on all the events. I particularly love the interviews they have on professional dancers, tips for staying healthy, and information on who is working or moving to another company. I also enjoy reading Pointe Magazine because you can see the updated positions in certain ballet companies and it is always nice to stay in the loop and see that someone I know was promoted. This source is also great with general health advice on things like food, exercise, and even how to care for an injury. All in all, this is one of my favorite sources of news to escape most of the harsher news we see and read today.

If you'd like to learn more;

Here is the link to their website!

5: LaGrange Daily News

The final news source that I go to is the local news from my hometown of LaGrange, Georgia, The LaGrange Daily News. They do cover a good bit of the larger stories that the bigger news companies are known for, but they also provide really in-depth articles on what is happening in the area. For example, if any event, parade, or decision in our local court is going on, they cover it. This source also covers local crime and elections much more thoroughly, which I appreciate. One reason why I also enjoy reading the LaGrange Daily News is that I had the opportunity to serve as an intern for them a few summers ago. This was a really great experience and I got to learn a lot about the process of gathering and producing news. It is also great to be able to stay connected with my hometown and also to be able to use this local news source as a comparison to the larger ones.

If you are interested in this news source;

Here is the link to their website

    News is such an important part of our lives. We always need and want to be informed about what is happening around us. It is important to make sure that the information you read, see, or hear is ethical and consistent with other sources. This is why it is always smart to check more than one source, and why I personally steer away from the news giants, to get important information. I hope that the rundown of my top 5 sources provided a different perspective and hopefully some useful information to convince and show you some other great news sources.